Friday, October 23, 2009

in love.

i hope i never get over this feeling of awe i have over being in paris.
there are so few things in life that bring me this much joy.
every time i have come i have been acutely aware that i am,
In. Paris.
i feel like a kid on christmas morn..

when i am rich i will have an apartment here.
i will come every summer,
i will fall in love and bring my children here and every time it will feel like christmas morn..
even in the middle of summer.
maybe we will stay til the leaves turn red and brown and orange
and fall from the trees.
maybe we will stay for christmas.


  1. I went to Paris once. I was 19 and cynical and totally prepared to think that Paris wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I wanted to be a girl who preferred Prague to Paris.

    But it was amazing and I loved it, despite my pretensions.

  2. Kina, this street is actually called rue Saint Saveur, which is really apt I think.
    I hope you are flying well. I miss you.
    Love from here, Paris, and our place.

  3. Kina that is so very beautiful and poetic.
    as poignant as a heart beat.
    It makes me wish I could write like you x

  4. shane hollands.
    you write far better than i do.
    you're a fucking poet.
    if i could write like you i wouldn't paint.

    (where are you??? i'm back in the land of the half dead and haggard.. :)
    your pal

  5. angela,
    lizzie went to paris ten, eleven years ago, and never left. it's addictive i think. like a beautiful sexy dangerous drink. like absinthe.
