Friday, September 10, 2010

The holiday is slightly over. Hello again.

Christmas holidays are over. In a way. And life since Christmas has been extraordinary, which I will talk about when it is not all still so close to me. In the meantime here are two poems. One by me, one by William (cat two, if going chronologically). I don't know how he managed to get his title centered AND in capitals... for instance, FG could mean, For Greycat (the other cat),
but to me the poem seems more a plea for Steve and I to feed him, what with all the mmmm mmmmm's and how he's put ste as the first word and then just lots of k's... Steve is new. He lives here now. Also, the ending of William's poem is quite advanced, with the sign off. Is he trying to say By Me? My belief is, yes, he is. But maybe I am reading too much into this...
My poem is less exciting than William's mainly because I have written a poem before and I am not five, and a cat. I haven't for twelve years however, so maybe it is a bit momentous...

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