Friday, May 29, 2009

rocket flower.

the lettuce has flowered.
every night i see it through the window illuminated by the kitchen light.
tonight i photographed it.
it's so pretty.


  1. Oh god this is so beautiful it makes me want to weep!

  2. well fuck. what a compliment Jess.
    call me a pleb but it's the first rocket flower i'd ever in my life seen, and that's just how it looks in real life, as beautiful as that..

    and it grows really fast, it's ready in like, three weeks?

  3. i saw it in the morning time! bloody sorry we are so loud, but your wogs are REALLY big! so woof! thanks for dinner sweet darling friend! xoxox

  4. oh no problem "poppyjolly" aka; code name: hannibal, of the hannibal and bob - duo of terror!" anytime! come out during the day next time so we can do more fun things. thank shawn please (and you!) for clearing the table tennis table!!
    love you.
    ps. nice baby.
    pps. can you not be so bloody happy at that hour of the day. what's with all the singing? are you a canary? NO. you are not.

  5. oh f*&%. i missed a the quotation marks on one side of the hannibal and bob duo of terror.
    i hate how on this site you seemingly can't edit your comments. or, well, i haven't figured out how to anyway..
    you probably can.
