Sunday, May 17, 2009

'til redemption day.

so tonight i watched sunday, this news show which, well it's self explanatory. they were talking to this new zealand comedian (mike king) who had previously been the spokesperson for new zealand pork. you know, pork, as in piggies but all munched up?
anyway, the king used to appear in all these tv commercials talkin' cool about pork and giving pork recipes.
missed part of the beginning of sunday, but the gist of things was that mike king finally got wind of how pigs are actually kept, and went and filmed a piggery in the middle of the night and now clearly, is trying to be an advocate for non-caged meats. i pretty much cried through the whole thing, and sam put on a serious face, which was kind of him. sam won't buy battery pork, but if he was at work, say, and they brought him a bacon sandwish for lunch, he definitely wouldn't enlighten them about it.
anyway, i hated mike king on the basis of those ads. hated him. i used to change the channel if they came on when i was in the room. so it was really amazing to see him do a complete 360 and now be doing so much to help the lovely piggoos.
cos it's like hell on earth what they go through.
now i'm not going to go on any more about it,
except to say, sam thought it was really nice when they sneakily bought a pig from one of these battery pig farms and drove it in the back of a trailer to its new home (outside in a FIELD with other pigs) and this pig, it looked so fucking happy, and it was looking all around, and it was looking at the sky and sam said, I bet she's happy to see the sky..
and it occurred to me that these pigs, they sometimes stand up for up to five years in a concrete cage they can't turn around or lie down in and they get sores on their tails cos they don't quite fit, and anyway, then the day comes, the fateful day, the day when they get crated up and shipped off for execution. so it occurs to me, on that day of death, that's the only day in their whole life when they get to see the sky. whether it be sunny or raining or whatever, that's it. that's their day to see the sky. and i bet they're really happy and they think something exciting or nice is finally happening for them, and then they get there, and it's like...
anyway, then it's all over, their sad little life is over and so that's redemption day.
it's the best day of their life.
people make me sick..


  1. That makes me very sad... just had a weekend out in the west in France (Loire Valley but by the sea to be precise), and there was a lot of pork around but most of it was brought in from a field-rearing pork farm from MG's extended family who have nice farms and nice pig-rearing practices. But everything in the shops and cafes is Sad Pig Products. To be avoided.... thanks for posting about it....

  2. they're much smarter than my pets and naturally gregarious and kind creatures, that's what makes me really sad..
    did you find the hidden SAFE link?
    new zealand is in the dark ages when it comes to pig farming, but we're not the only ones..

  3. so do you know for a fact what it's like in france in battery pig farms? is there a lot of people still farming piggles outdoors like mg's famille..?
    love you
    waiting for your blog tick tock tick tock

  4. That pretty much sums it up for me too.
