Wednesday, June 10, 2009

music videos.

i've just seen videos or two of my favourite songs!
'there are birds', which is definitely the ruby suns best song.
good effort, i say!
...for a kiwi video since they pretty much always have a budget of zip.
it just falls apart at the end of the vid when someone thought it'd be "quirky/cool" to use some lame paint effect all over the last scene.
which they haven't used the whole rest of the video, so it makes no sense.

AND THEN, omg, Boy with a Coin by Iron & Wine.
in it there are all these girls dancing just like how i used to dance around the kitchen to it - only they're way better, and also more organized about it (cos, you know, it's a very flamenco sounding song, so it's no big strrretch or freaky coincidence or anything.) and there's this teacher watching them dance and after a while she's like 'enough of this' and she starts to dance.
And when she dances ivy patterns appear on the floorboards and when she kicks, leaves fly from her dress which turn into birds, i think.
i think they're birds...

oh and also today i've watched: white stripes - blue orchid, stone temple pilots - sour girl (which has buffy the vampyre slayer and horrible teletubbies in it!!), and vaseline (stp), white stripes - my doorbell. and nine inch nail's perfect drug. but those were all research.


  1. Check out "Baby Baby Baby Make the Girl Dance", on YouTube,
    filmed on rue Montorgueil a few minutes' walk from us... you might notice they've mirror reversed the street so everything on the left appears on the right... they did this in one take and in 5 mins before the cops came to stop them... I like how they have the lyrics shown so you can sing along!

  2. hey kina,

    thanks for the continuous stream of music suggestions

    jack and meg visited little ol' whitehorse a couple of years ago:

  3. hey eyebex. i'm so jealous. so f#$*%in' jealous..
    i missed them when they played here too, but that was in a big stadium...
    *psst. son lux*
    cos i'm a bit sad so maybe won't be posting anything for a few...

  4. and black rebel motorcycle club.
