Tuesday, June 9, 2009

one of my great amusements in life..

is taking the most natural unattractive self portraits that i can. it really floats my boat. it all started when i was fifteen maybe? and my Uncle Sam took my aunt Lizzie and i flying in a little airplane.
i was going through a weirdo morose punk awkward phase and had a number one super clipper hairdo and was reaching out to the window with my little fingers and i have those big earmuffs on that you wear when you're in a plane (so you can make crackly jokes with the others when the plane's going down, i think..?) and Lizzie snapped a photo.
Twelve years have passed since then but still, if either one of us happened to mention 'the special photo' it would still be ridiculously funny. in the "S.P." i look like a cross between E.T. and Leo Kneecaprio in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'.
if you can visualize E.T. and Crappio's fifteen year old gormless baby, that was me.
so anyway, i'm always trying to take a photograph of me that rivals the special one from long ago....
these two are pretty awesome.
but really not even close..


  1. Can't hide the fact you've got a seksi haircut and bootyful blue eyes ... eh?

  2. the special photo!! do i still have that or you? i think it's in one of my albums....

  3. thank you Jessica.
    i haven't bobbed it tho, just so you know.
    it's just up.
    and SOME PEOPLE (more than one. hrmm.) have pointed out that i look like a british comedian called noel fielding with this fringe and general hairdo, so WHO KNOWS what's going to happen next..!
    lizzie, i might have the special photo now, convenient cos it's like kryptonite, and in the wrong hands...
    xxx you two.

  4. Uh, special photo was taken Dec 1998 in case you wanted to know actual true history of it.... just before we went to Montreal on the bus and argued about who should take the photos as it felt cold (and was -25°C).... XXXX

  5. OKAY. so i was seventeen then. eleven years.
    i fucking loved that trip to montreal. it was so awesome. i loved how the colour of the sky cos it was so cold, and the amazing sunlight. that's what i remember most. even tho the camera was reluctant, it was the best day to take photos.. i loved that little hotel. do you still have that photo of me leaning out the window of said hotel? AND i didn't have any ID remember; quebec's drinking age is 18 (and i really only looked about fifteen. lol..) so we had to be very sneaky.
    love you, special lovely ant.

  6. holy crap. i just realised they aren't on the same trip. in montreal in '98 i had hair. special photo, no hair. it's only taken me a little over two years to twig to this..
