Friday, June 12, 2009


Brent's gone and done it. he's killed himself.

i'll write more about this when it's not the day after i found out.
this is at our friend Rowan's wedding a few months ago. he's in the stripy jacket.
he was in good form at the wedding, i was glad to see him looking so well. he was incredibly proud of Rowan.
Sam took this photo. it's great.


  1. Simple Japanese Phrases. Kinasai. Come! Request/Command

  2. thanks lizzie and jess.
    i feel a post coming on very soon...
    much love

    hannibal: kinasai!

    jessica: WHEN will you be posting your prague jewish cemetery photos??? or would you now need a time machine to do that...

    lizzie: don't use the KR. sooner or later someone's gonna figure it out...
    i don't know how.. but they will!

  3. Roger that honey bunny. Hope you are finishing your story. Mine's getting warped....
    Love L xxxx
